Singaporeans prefer longer getaways and those looking for an escape through leisure travel spend $1,086 on average, according to aggregator website Picodi as reported by Singapore Business Review.

The report says with only 5% saying they do not bother saving on trips, the rest applied their own strategies such as buying tickets in advance (68%) and booking their stay ahead of time (40%).
The study found that Singaporeans opt for longer getaways, with 44% of them saying their trips last around a week. Meanwhile, 30% said that they spend two weeks or more on holidays, and 26% revealed that their trips last less than a week.
Frequency-wise, 34% revealed that they go on holiday once a year, and 45% had the chance to go on vacation twice a year or more frequently. Meanwhile, 21% of respondents said they could catch vacation opportunities less than once a year.
The study found that the most popular countries for Singaporeans as an option for travel destinations are Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Australia.