Are REITs the Safe Refuge Against Global Volatility?

Are REITs the Safe Refuge Against Global Volatility?


This symposium will present the opportunity for in-depth discussions and observations of the trends and developments in the REITs industry, identifying opportunities and pitfalls and advocating REITs as a viable investment vehicle for institutional and retail investors in Asia.

Official REITs Management Companies will be on stage to introduce their REIT in their respective sectors. Investors and visitors to Fortune Times REITs Symposium 2017 are given the opportunities to visit various sponsors’ display spaces and understand more about the opportunities REITs have to offer. Sponsors with display spaces will showcase their products and services and act as consultants to investors and visitors.

• In-depth examination of REITs trends and developments
• Identify Opportunities and Pitfalls
• Understand how to navigate the REITs markets
• Opportunities to consult various REITs Management Companies
• Identify trends and out-trends in REITs

Date: Friday, 28 July 2017
Venue: Four Seasons Singapore
Partners: Maybank, IG


13:30pm – 14:00pm    Registration
14:00pm – 14:05pm    Welcome address: Annie Song, Editor-in-Chief, Fortune Times
14:05pm – 14:20pm    Keynote Speech: REITs Gaining Traction as A Growing Asset Globally
                                  Mr Gabriel Yap, Chairman, GCP Global
14:20pm – 14:40pm    Speech: Outlook and performance of J-REITs
                                  Ko Oshima, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan
14:40pm – 15:00pm   Speech: REITs in China: Current Status & Outlook
                                  Fred Wang, Secretary-General, China REITs Alliance, China
15:00pm- 15:30pm     Tea Break
15:30pm – 16:20pm    Panel Discussion: Exploring the True Value of REITs
                                  Moderator: Mr Gabriel Yap, Panelists including:
                                  • Mr. Chua Su Tye, Senior Analyst, Maybank Kim Eng Research
                                   • Mr. Peter Verwer, CEO, Asia Pacific Real Estate Association
                                   • Mr. Richard Chow, General Manager, Pacific Trustees (S) Ltd
                                   • Mr. Foong Hock Meng, CEO, KGI Securities
16:20pm – 17:00pm    Q&A
17:00pm – 18:30pm    Visiting the booth and Networking Session